Current and Past Programs
Notes from Past Programs

Mansfield Grower Program
This week, one of our Texas growers held an internal full-day training program and were kind enough to allow me to take notes and share them with the rest of you growers! One of the many things I continue to really appreciate and like about the green industry in Texas: they are collaborative and help each other out. See below for speakers and notes related to their presentations. Please note that I do not personally endorse the products mentioned by the presenters below - the notes provided below are "as-is", as written as accurately I could based on the information provided by the presenters. Any lack of information or misinformation is not intentional. Dr. Ann Chase - Recognizing plant diseases and how to manage them. Dr. Ann Chase - Common diseases of poinsettias. Dr. Raymond Cloyd - How to deal with mite pests in horticultural production systems. Dr. Raymond Cloyd ...

Greenhouse and Nursery Regulatory Compliance Workshop 2018 – Notes and Resources
If speakers provided permission to provide PDFs of their presentations, they are found at the end of the notes associated with that section. Speakers:
- Safety is a "Hot" topic: Heat illness prevention for outdoor workers. Dr. Shaadi Khademi, UT Health Science Center at Tyler (PDF)
- WPS Training Resources and Staying Compliant. Ms. Kathy Newton, TDA (PDF)
- Start clean, stay clean: Strategies for practical preventative measures against pathogenic problems. Dr. Kevin Ong, Texas A&M
- Pesticide Handling, Storage, and Disposal. Dr. Mark Matocha, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (PDF)
- Recent advances in pest management. Mr. Erfan Vafaie, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (PDF)

Notes from 2018 Ornamental & Turf CEU Meeting
Below are some notes taken from some of the speakers at the 2018 Ornamental & Turf CEU Meeting held by Helena Chemical Company at the Rose Center, Tyler TX on June 26th. Disclaimer: the notes below do not represent endorsement, research, or vetting by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and the AgriLife IPM Program Specialist Program. Notes below as provided as is from the speakers who provided the information. Full program, including sponsors, is attached at the end of this document. Rotation Strategies in Turf & Ornamentals - Kathie Kalmowitz, BASF Irrigation Pond Management - Clint Formby, SePro Key Turfgrass Insect Pests - Gary Brooks, Bayer Laws & Regulations Update - Don Renchie, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (additional links and resources included) ...

Greenhouse & Nursery Regulatory Compliance Workshop 2017 – Notes and Resources
Another year and another successful greenhouse and nursery workshop here in Overton. We had many great speakers and are very grateful for our sponsors. I have included some summaries and resources from some of our speakers down below. I have created links below that will direct you to information pertinent to each speaker below. In the case where the speaker has given consent to share their presentation, I have also included that too. Dr. Shaadi Khademi, MD & Dr. Vanessa Casanova, PhD - Pesticides: Exposure, Health Effects, and Safety Education UT Health Northeast Mrs. Kathy (Katherine) Newton - How to Comply with WPS Revisions Texas Department of Agriculture TDA Compliance Resources Dr. Steven Arthurs - Integrated Pest Management for Greenhouse and Nursery Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University Mr. Daniel Cunningham - Water U Doing for Texas Horticulture? Department of Horticulture, Texas A&M University ...

IOBC Canada 2017 – Part III
This post is a part of a series of notes taken at the International Organization of Biological Control 2017. Go back to Monday's Agenda Foraging and egg-laying behaviour of the coccinellid predator Rhyzobius lophanthae Marjolein Kruidhof, Wageningen University & Research, BU Greenhouse Horticulture
- Diaspis boisduvalii scales in cymbidium; major problem in Netherlands and they don’t know what to do anymore to control
- Due to restrictions of use of chemicals (i.e. neonics), they have been unable to control the scale
- Cage experiment; comparison of different natural enemies of Diaspis boisduvalii scales
- Tried 8 different treatments, different release rates and frequencies of release of Rhyzobius lophanthae larvae or adults (with or without ephestia eggs)
- In control, plant was covered with the scale at the end (5 weeks later)
- When releasing R. lophanthae adults and ephestia eggs, got excellent control
- R. lophanthae is a predatory beetle
- Adults ...
- Adults ...

IOBC Canada 2017 – Part II
This post is a part of a series of notes taken at the International Organization of Biological Control 2017. Go back to Monday's Agenda Plant-provided food increases indirect defense through manipulation of a mutualism Pete Nelson, North Carolina State University Conservation biological control in tobacco
- Spined stiltbug

IOBC Canada 2017 – Part I
Go back to Monday's Agenda Biological control in greenhouse IPM systems: Where we've been, where we are, and where we need to go? by Michael Brownbridge Greenhouse production:
- Unique production environment
- Many variables within the production system: crop, pest, production practices, and external environmental factors

Biocontrols Conference (2017) – Advanced Biocontrol Workshop Notes
Speakers: Doug Barrow Biological Crop Protection Specialist, Biobest USA Inc. Kelly Vance Technical Support, Beneficial Insectary Ronald Valentin Technical Lead, Bioline AgroSciences Suzanne Wainwright-Evans Ornamental Entomologist, Buglady Consulting Tim Engelkes R&D Entomology, Koppert Biological Systems Inc. ...

Notes from BWI Grower Seminar – 2017
A seminar for greenhouse and nursery growers was recently held in Buda TX (01/24/2017) and Tyler TX (01/25/2017). Summary notes and relevant resources related to the talks can be found below. Talks: Plant Protection of Insect and Mite Pests by Dr. Raymond Cloyd Minimizing Disease Preventatively: The role of the environment by Dr. Ann Chase Best Rotation Programs to Avoid Resistance by Dr. Raymond Cloyd Preventative vs Curative Fungicides and Rotations by Dr. Ann Chase Laws & Regulations by Ms. Morgan Scott/Ms. Katherine Newton ...

Notes from Nursery Greenhouse and Turf Continuing Education Conference – 2016
Summaries below were based on notes taken from the Nursery Greenhouse and Turf Continuing Education Conference, held in Tyler, TX (June 21, 2016), put on by Helena Chemical Company. Talks: Herbicide Fate by Dr. Brad Shaver Incorporating Biopesticides into a Conventional Program by Dr. Debbie Sanders Overview of Revisions to EPA’s Agricultural Worker Protection Standard by Mark Evans Mites & Pest Management on Ornamentals by Dr. Carlos Bogran Interpreting Pesticide Labels and Sprayer Calibration by Dr. Casey Reynolds ...