Texas Department of Agriculture | Pest and Disease Alerts
Agrilife Entomology | Personnel | Training Opportunities | IPM | Publications | Field Guide
University of California | IPM Online
Utah State University | Utah Pests, Integrated Pest Management
Nursery & Greenhouse Crop Production
Southeastern US Pest Control Guide for Nursery Crops and Landscape Plantings
Southeastern U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook
Crapemyrtle Bark Scale Research Project Website
Pest Management Strategic Plan for Container and Field-Produced Nursery Crops (2015)
Pest Management Strategic Plan for Greenhouse Ornamentals (2008)
AgriLife Extension
Mike Merchant | Insects in the City
Horticultural IPM | hortIPM
Insect Identification
Insect Identification | Texas Insects and Bugs
Texas Invasives | Texas Invasives.org
Insect Photography
Colin Hutton | Colin Hutton Photography
Gilles Martin | Gilles San Martin’s Photography
Michael Hrabar | Michael Hrabar
Sean McCann | ibycter
Biological Control
Vendors of Beneficial Organisms in North America | University of Kentucky
Software Tools
Free Software
Mendeley | Mendeley is for organizing research papers, PDFs and generating organized references tables. Allows for creation of an online profile, so you can take your paper titles/information with you on any device or computer away from the office. Allows for free syncing of paper titles across devices.
Open Office | Alternative solution to the Microsoft Office suite. Open-source.
idTracker| Published method (Nature Methods) for tracking movement of multiple living organisms with high accuracy.
ImageJ | Image processing and analysis. Great for collecting data from images, such as lengths, areas and quantities.
Audacity | Free audio recording and editing software.
Blender | Open-source 3D animation and modeling software. Disclaimer: steep learning curve.
[R] | Open-source statistical analysis software. Incredible versatility, but steep learning curve (command-line programming).
[R] Studio | Interactive Development Environment (IDE) for [R]. Also provides ability to produce output in PDF, HTML, or Word formats (R Markdown).
MAMP | Run a locally hosted server with PHP and MySQL databases. Great for web development.
Manager | Free accounting software for creating quotes, invoices, accounts payable/receivable, and other features handy for personal finances.
LaTex | “A document preparation system”
FieldBook (for Android) | Open-source software for collection of data in the field
IRAC | Insecticide Resistance Action Committee