US AID (Agency for International Development) has a program specifically to assist with food security in countries all around the world through the use of specialists, such as volunteers through the Farmer-to-Farmer program (F2F), which provides technical assistance from US agencies to farmers and agencies abroad. The idea of being able to help farmers, both locally and internationally, is what inspired me to pursue a career in entomology – so my stating that I am ecstatic to be volunteering with F2F for two weeks in Guyana is an understatement. This particular volunteer program is being run through Partners of the Americas, a non-profit organization that coordinates the volunteers for the F2F program, so be sure to check them out if you are interested in such opportunities. During my time in Guyana, I will provide updates below.
Additionally, if you are looking for the resources or presentations I gave during my assignment here, they can be found on the Farmer-to-Farmer: Guyana 2019 Resources page.