Greenhouse and Nursery Webinar Series
We are particularly excited about our Greenhouse and Nursery Webinar Series this year. This program has traditionally been a single-day in-person program with 5 speakers (Texas A&M Greenhouse and Nursery Symposium). However, due to concerns surrounding COVID-19 this year, we have opted for converting this program into a web series. This gives the attendees the ability to only register for talks that are most relevant to them and gives us the flexibility to invite speakers from all across the nation. See below for speaker and registration information.
End of November till second week in December, from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm each day. See speakers below for specific dates.
Online through Zoom. Registration is separate for each speaker. See below for details.
This webinar series is designed to address some of the critical needs of the greenhouse ornamental and nursery industry in Texas. Attendees needing pesticide applicator CEUs (Texas only) will need to fill out a survey before and after each webinar – the link to the survey will be provided during the webinar. Please be on time and ensure that you can stay for the whole hour to ensure that you are eligible for the pesticide applicator CEU.
This program is co-sponsored by the Texas Nursery & Landscape Association
Webinar Series – Summarized
Further details on each speaker provided below the summary. If you missed one of the webinars, you can view the recording (if permitted by the presenter) under the detailed speaker information further below.
Speaker | Presentation Title | CEU(s)* | Time | Registration |
Dr. Wayne Dixon | A Systems Approach to Nursery Certification | 1 IPM | Dec. 1, 12:30 pm | Passed |
Katherine Newton | Pesticide regulation compliance and import/export inspections | 1 Laws & Regs | Dec. 2, 12:30 pm | Passed |
Suzanne Wainwright | Integrating Natural Enemies for Pest Suppression in Protected Culture | 1 General | Dec. 4, 12:30 pm | Passed |
Dr. Ann Chase | Integrated Disease Management in Greenhouse Production | 1 IPM | Dec. 15, 12:30 pm | Passed |
Dr. Juang-Horng Chong | Integrated Pest Management of Insects in Nursery Production | 1 IPM | Dec. 16, 12:30 pm | Passed |
Dr. Mark Matocha | Pesticide Hazards and Safety | 1 General | Dec. 17, 12:30 pm | Passed |
Erfan Vafaie | Recent Advances in Greenhouse and Nursery Integrated Pest Management | 1 IPM | Dec. 18, 12:30 pm | Passed |
Webinar Series – Detailed

A Systems Approach to Nursery Certification
Dr. Wayne Dixon, SANC Program Assistant, National Plant Board
December 1, 12:30 pm
Pesticide Applicator CEUs: 1, IPM*
Dr. Wayne Dixon received his BS in Biology at the University of Maine at Orono (1973), his Masters in Entomology at Texas A&M University at College Station (1977), and PhD in Forestry at the University of Maine at Orono (1980). He has worked as a State Forest Entomologist and as the Director for the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, and currently serves as the Systems Approach to Nursery Certification (SANC) Program Assistant (since 2015).

Pesticide Regulation Compliance and Import/Export Inspections
Katherine Newton, Pesticide Inspector, Texas Department of Agriculture
December 2, 12:30 pm
Pesticide Applicator CEUs: 1, Laws & Regulations*
Kathy has been a pesticide inspector with TDA for eight years in the North Texas region and holds an associates degree in Horticulture from Tarrant County College. Prior to working at TDA, she worked in nursery management and she enjoys working with the nursery and greenhouse industry and assisting growers with TDA licensing compliance.

Speaker Sponsor(s)
- BioWorks
- Beneficial Insectary
Suzanne Wainwright, Buglady Consulting
December 4, 12:30 pm
Pesticide Applicator CEUs: 1, General*
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans is a horticultural entomologist specializing in integrated pest management. Suzanne has been involved in the Green Industry for more than 30 years with a primary focus on biological control and using pesticides properly. She is a graduate of the University of Florida with degrees in both Entomology and Environmental Horticulture. She is the owner of Buglady Consulting, now in business 20 years.

Speaker Sponsors:
- Syngenta
- Pace49
Dr. Ann Chase, Chase Agricultural Consulting
December 15th, 12:30 pm
Pesticide Applicator CEUs: 1, IPM*
Dr. Ann Chase graduated from the University of California at Riverside with a PhD from the Department of Plant Pathology in 1979. She was Professor of plant pathology at the University of Florida Central Florida Agricultural Research and Education Center from 1979 until 1993. Ann started Chase Horticultural Research in February 1994. The business conducted contract research, diagnostics, consulting, and training through talks and writing on diseases of ornamentals. Chase Agricultural Consulting was opened in December 2011 specializing in educating and consulting with growers and suppliers in ornamentals as well as select agricultural crops. They continue to produce the monthly newsletter Chase Digest (formerly Chase News) as well as Ask Ann for quick consultations on disease ID and control. She and Mike are also back in the business of trials in their AZ operation.

Dr. Juang-Horng Chong (JC), Professor & Extension Specialist, Clemson University
December 16, 12:30 pm
Pesticide Applicator CEUs: 1, IPM*
JC joined Clemson University in 2007, with research and extension responsibilities in commercial turfgrass and ornamental plant pest management. He works with stakeholders to develop research and extension programs that improve the management of insect and mite pests in turfgrass and ornamental plant production and maintenance systems.

Pesticide Hazards and Safety
Dr. Mark Matocha, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
December 17, 12:30 pm
Pesticide Applicator CEUs: 1, General*
Dr. Mark Matocha is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist with the Ag. and Environmental Safety Unit of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in College Station. He conducts educational programs for pesticide applicators across the state and works with state and federal agencies in evaluating pesticide uses and needs. He has a PhD in weed science from Texas A&M University.
This webinar will be a part of the weekly “Chat with Green Aggies” webinar series, starting with Q&A at 12:12 pm.

Erfan Vafaie, Extension Program Specialist II, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
December 18, 12:30 pm
Pesticide Applicator CEUs: 1, IPM*
Vafaie did his undergraduate degree at Western University, Master’s in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) at Simon Fraser University, and just recently completed his PhD through Texas A&M University (defended on October 14th). His current research includes insecticide efficacy against common pests, management strategies for new invasive pests, and provides resources, training, and education to growers on how to adopt timely and effective integrated pest management strategies.
This webinar series is specifically designed for greenhouse ornamental and nursery growers, although some of the material may apply to greenhouse or outdoor vegetable growers, forage, and orchards.
Pesticide Applicator CEU Disclaimer: Please ensure that you join the webinar in a timely manner and stay for the whole presentation. CEUs are only available for participants that join the presentation live – watching the recording on YouTube does not count for CEUs. Participants seeking pesticide applicator CEUs (Texas Agricultural Pesticide Applicator License Only) must fill out a survey at the beginning and end of the webinar (provided during the webinar) to ensure eligibility for CEUs. If there are multiple personnel watching the seminar from a single device, each person seeking CEUs must complete the survey separately with their own information.
Registration Fee