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Guyana F2F Wrap-up: Trainings and Visits
From June 16th till the 30th, I was in Guyana as a part of a two-week volunteer project through US AID Farmer-to-Farmer program, administered through Partners of the Americas. The ...

Guyana Farm Visit 4: Permaculture in Georgetown
Today we visited an urban farmer group that pays special attention to permaculture. For those that aren't familiar with permaculture, it's a type of gardening or farming aimed at creating ...

Guyana Farm Visits Day 3: Holy Fruits Batman!
Last Thursday, we visited a few farms in remote locations, referred to as "the bush" by the locals. Completely off the grid; using rain-water as their water supply, no need ...

Farm Visits Day 2: Coconuts and Chives
First thing in the morning, we headed towards the interior of Guyana, where we visited a coconut, pineapple, and other smaller 'cash crop' farms. The most important pest brought to ...

Guyana Farm Visits – Day 1
Today was the first day of visiting farms as a part of my time here in Guyana for the Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer program. The Journey We drove to region 6, which ...